April 08, 2012

No Kidding

Because I am serious! ^_^

But before anything else, I would like to, this time, publicly express how thankful I am to Apol for inspiring me to make my blog public and be more creative. Check out and support her blog, HappyNess, at eypolapol.tumblr.com.

I was going through some other blogs (and I still am), and got some ideas what topics to write on a regular basis to broaden a blog's reader target and add interest to it. Now I am getting why Apol writes about chic moms, and another blog that I stumbled upon whose owner writes about fashionista kids.

No Kidding!

So I'm coming up with No Kidding...because, like I said, I am freakin' serious. No Kidding will, once a week, feature a seriously adorable, cute kid with li'l bit of serious info about him/her. Who knows, your kid might be next!

If you would like me to feature your kid in No Kidding, submit his/her photo and some info about him/her like Complete Name, Nickname, Birthday, Parents' Names, Favorite Food, Favorite Game, Distinct Characteristic/s, etc. to my email address cpcarbonell [at] yahoo [dot] com with subject "No Kidding", or kahit wala ng subject, keri na. ^_^

I'm excited!
Image Source
Ciao! ♥


  1. Wow! Me too, so excited with "No Kidding". :)


    1. Para-paraan na lang. Hihi.

      Feature ko din si Jam ha. ;)

  2. haha...naspecial mention pa ako..haha..thanks :D


Go ahead. Make my day!