May 09, 2011

Proud Mommy on Mommy's Day

I am writing this because I want to remember this day.

I am so proud of my Nikki. It makes me smile whenever she needs to do her thing on the toilet. She will come up to me and say, "Mommy, ta-t#e ako." You know what she actually means by that. I need to be there when she's done.

Yesterday was different. She came up to me before she went to the toilet. After a few minutes when I thought she should have already been done, she had not called me yet. I had to check on her. She was already finishing up. I asked her, "Ano ginagawa mo? Marunong ka na ba maghugas Mahal?" I was not expecting her answer when she said it while she was busy figuring out how to actually do it with the tabo. "Try ko po Mommy." I cannot explain it. It might not mean anything to anyone but how she responded means a lot to me. Where had all the seven years gone? She's grown up.

Ciao! ♥