April 12, 2012

No Kidding: Uno, A Heartbreaker in the Making

Isn't he the cutest?
On Uno, Polo: Osh Kosh B'Gosh, Shorts: Little Ones, Shoes: Vans

Serious Facts About This Überly Adorable Kid

Complete Name: Uno Orejudos
Nickname: Uno
Birthday: May 12, 2010
Proud Momma: Apol Ignacio
Proud Daddy: Clyde Orejudos
Favorite Food: Cream-O Crinkles
Favorite Game: Nothing in particular, but he loves running around and playing with his toy cars and trucks by himself.

When he was born, my other friends and I were asking Apol what her baby's name was. She said, "Uno". We were like, "Uno what?". She was like, "Uno Orejudos". Uno daw because he's their first born. It is indeed a very short, simple name, yet I find it super uniquely astig!

My other friends and I notice that as Uno grows bigger, he's becoming more and more gwapo...and macho. I'm pretty sure a lot of girls will fall for Uno when he's grown up. He's one active and energetic boy.

Apol describes his only son like this --

"Uno can be impatient sometimes but he is independent, as much as possible he wouldn't ask for help unless he can't do it by himself. As early  as now I can see his love for the Arts (which he got from me hehe) but at the same time he's a critical thinker because he likes to observe how things work (he got that from his Dad!) He is also very sweet on the other hand, he loves being hugged and kissed. He likes watching TV commercials more than the show itself. Uno is the greatest thing that ever happened to me and his dad and I love him very much.

Uno's sense of style is all about comfort. He is a very active child so his clothes should allow him to move very freely, but it does not sacrifice style. I make sure that the clothes he wears are maporma. My inspiration for his style is Gwen Stefani's children. "

Check out Uno's adventures and more cute photos of him at HappyNess and be charmed by him.

If you would like me to feature your kid in No Kidding, submit his/her photo and some info about him/her like Complete Name, Nickname, Birthday, Parents' Names, Favorite Food, Favorite Game, Distinct Characteristic/s, etc. to my email address cpcarbonell [at] yahoo [dot] com with subject "No Kidding", or kahit wala ng subject, keri na. ^_^
Ciao! ♥
While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. ~Angela Schwindt


  1. what a cute lil boy! awesome blog darling.
    btw,i'm following you now via gfc and bloglovin.mind to follow me back?Thanks<3


    1. Thank you. Thanks for dropping by. Oh no, not at all. In fact, I already did. ^_^

  2. Thanks for featuring my little boy. :D

    1. You're so welcome. I really wanted him to be my first feature. ^_^


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