March 24, 2012


More than enjoying Jollibee's Chocolate Sundae as a dessert, I love making it as a dip for my extra large fries. When Nikki got a little older and first noticed that I was doing that, she wondered. "Mommy, bakit mo sinasawsaw sa sundae 'yung fries mo?", she asked and I simply responded with, "Masarap kasi Mahal e."

Chocolate sundae-dipped fry. Nom nom!

I wanted to tell her the real reason why, but not until I've solved this puzzle. ^_^

And here goes the story.

When I was a kid, I frequented neighborhood sari-sari stores whenever I had some money. I think it was me who my daughters got that from. Mawala sa paningin, nasa tindahan na pala. Kalurks! But that's another story to tell. 

I can remember, hardly, there was this chichirya that I used to buy from sari-sari stores then that had the same taste as these fries when dipped into the chocolate sundae. Besides the good taste of these chocolate sundae-dipped fries, they sure give me nostalgia. And I hate it that I cannot remember what that chichirya was called. I loved that chichirya.

So this dipping-fries-into-chocolate-sundae thing has become a habit of mine since I cannot remember when. Apparently, someone has also grown to love the taste of these chocolate sundae-dipped fries, and my fries thing has become hers too.

Check these photos out!

Share pa kami sa extra large fries nung umpisa.
Ngayon, sa kanya na lahat. Hawak na e! 
Galit lang sa fries?

With Nikki? She's not a die-hard fan of fries as Calli is, and she still prefers tomato catsup for her fries. She chocolate sundae-dips with Calli and me sometimes. 

I will keep dipping my fries into my chocolate sundae whenever I get the chance to dine at Jollibee until I remember the name of that chichirya. Aja! And when I do, I can already tell her the real reason why I love dipping my fries into my chocolate sundae. Kasi complete na ang details ng istorya, diva? (That's if she will not find out about this blog before that happens.) 

Puh-leeez! Tulungan niyo ko! Parang awa! Ano ba pangalan ng chichiryang 'yun? Meron pa bang ganun sa market ngayon? ^_^

Ciao! ♥


Go ahead. Make my day!