March 18, 2012

Taste Buds At Work: Jollibee's Chicken and Mushroom Pasta

We all know that kids are very fond of Jollibee, its mascot and its products. Jollibee and its products target mainly the younger population. Through the years, Jollibee tries to come up with products that are more pleasurable to adults.  This new Chicken and Mushroom Pasta is one of them. It's like Jolly Spaghetti for adults.

This is how it looks like in the ad.
This is how it does on the actual plate.

That's why I don't trust TV commercials. 

I had the chance and was excited to try it after our hospital visit to Mona because Apol said it's masarap.

Spaghetti noodles generously coated with sauce that has tomatoes, chicken, mushroom and aromatic herbs in it and topped with grated cheese. Pagka-serve pa lang, amoy na amoy na. Ambango! The sauce has strong great flavors. The grated cheese gives you a familiar, dairy taste that contrasts the very little sourness coming from the tomato pieces. It also has a subtle hint of sweetness that adds to the already rich flavors of the sauce. The aromatic herbs are as if telling you, "Um-order ka pa ng isaaah." ^_^

I didn't realize at first that the pieces of meat in it were actually of chicken. Yeah, I forgot that it's called Chicken and Mushroom Pasta. Hindi siya mukhang chicken meat. There were more pieces of mushroom than of chicken, of course, because of a single obvious reason. Price.

My only complaint was that the serving portion was not generous enough for my huge tummy. 

Did I like it? Allow the following photo to answer that question. 

'Di ko masyado nagustuhan. Sa lagay na 'yan? ^_^

Is it really a must-try just like what the TV commercial says about it? Well, it's worth a try. But, what new product in the market isn't, agree?

Have one soon for a taste test for only P55.

Note: There may be a lot of other blogs out there that offer an extensive and more detailed review on the same topic as the above. Things I put here are just my two cents. I don't even consider this a review. Just a kwento on the experience per se. Enjoy! ^_^

Ciao! ♥

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