March 26, 2012

My New Errands Buddy

That's Nikki!

She's 8. And she now makes a very good and convenient buddy when running some errands. She can walk by herself, can eat by herself, has urinary control, has opinions on things I buy, reminds me of important things, etc. She has no complaint sa walk-a-thon. Only complaint I have about Nikki is that she gets hungry so fast. I have to feed her every now and then. Kids!

Nikki and I went to SM today to shop for shoes, white stockings and a cardigan for herself, for her class' presentation on her school's Recognition Day. I picked her up from school then we went straight to SM.

On the way there, one would hardly miss this!

Since when was this here?

Is it just me, or SM really has to put this up where this is the first thing people would notice when coming from that area to its building? Pa-good shot lang sa mga tao?

Moving on.

Terno talaga sa shirt ang bag, Ate?

We've just got to SM, naiihi na daw siya. 

We didn't have a  hard time shopping for shoes and stockings.

We went back and forth, and, back and forth to shops in SM and the Department Store in search for a pretty, yet affordable, cardigan for her. We saw a lot of pretties. We failed on the affordable.

I decided to try searching in Porta Vaga. On the way to Porta Vaga, we saw this group of singing Koreans. I think they are members of a church. Good singing. I couldn't determine though the language of the songs they were singing. It sounded Korean but still English. ^_^

Hampuputeh nila 'teh!

We were almost about to cross the street, Nikki smelled the pizza from Pizza Hut's take-out counter. "Gusto ko pizza Mommy."

"Akala ko isang box, hehe." Asa ka boy!

We didn't have any luck in Porta Vaga. But Nikki still kinda did. ^_^

"Mommy, sabi mo sa SM kanina bibili tayo ng siomai?"

Oh e 'di sige, ikaw na Ate Nikki ang maalalahanin. Nakalimutan na nga e, pinaalala pa. ^_^

We were already tired and I was already feeling sleepy. We decided to go home and I will just continue our search for a "pretty, yet affordable" cardigan, alone tomorrow. On our way to the jeep terminal, Nikki laid eyes on the sign of...

The Original Razon's Restaurant

"Parang gusto ko ng halo-halo, Mommy?"
So hindi pa siya masyado sure sa lagay na 'yun? Buti na lang. Sakto! I was in the mood for halo-halo din.

Can you tell if nasasarapan siya sa halo-halo?
Can't? Try this time.

After enjoying that very delightful Razon's halo-halo, off we went to the jeep terminal...which is just right beside Dane's Bakeshop.

At humirit pa ng pan de sal!

"Mommy, marami pa tayo Cheez Whiz at peanut butter pero wala na tayo bread." Ayun naman kung makaparamdam e! Wagas!

Her cute new pair of flats, P199

It's very bagay to her spring-inspired pink dress. 

That's what I like about Nikki. She's very budget-conscious. But she gave me a heads-up, "Sa pasukan na lang ako bibili ng mahal na shoes Mommy ha?" Lagot! To which I replied, "Kausapin mo si Daddy tungkol diyan." Lusot! ^_^

I just wish Calli turns 8 soon! So I can also bring her with me without any hassle.

Ciao! ♥


  1. ITO ang pinakagusto ko,,miss ko na si nikki!

    1. Miss na din niya kayo. Atat na nga umuwi diyan. Nakiki-negotiate pa na 1 month na lang daw siya magbakasyon diyan.


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