March 21, 2012

Taste Buds At Work: Selecta's Magnum Classic

Enjoy the royal treatment for a royal price
I first heard of this Magnum Ice Cream in Twitter thru @mondgutierrez. (Yes, I follow him on Twitter, you got any problem with that? ^_^ ) But he would just say "Magnum" in his tweets. I was like, "What is Magnum?", to myself. (I found out later that Raymond Gutierrez is one of the Magnum "icons" daw, along with Erwan and Solenn Heussaff, Liz Uy, Rajo Laurel and Tessa Prieto Valdes).

Then my friends at work explained to me what it was. Oooh, it's a chocolate-coated vanilla ice cream on a stick which originated overseas (not sure where) and locally distributed here in the Philippines by Selecta. And they said there's already a TV commerical for it. I was like, oh-kay! When did that TV commercial start airing? Where was I all that time? I have not seen the commercial until Thursday last week. I got intrigued by it, and so did Elmer. 

One late Sunday afternoon, Elmer and I found ourselves in a grocery store here in Loakan because he was too eager to try this new Magnum Ice Cream. Although he was paying, I said no. Masakit sa loob ko for him to spend P100 just for two pieces of it. (Yep, P50 a piece. That much for a stick of ice cream. That's robbery!) We shared on one Magnum Classic.

How did I find it? I'd say, it's over-hyped, overly sweet and over-priced. 

What I loved about it? The chocolate coating. It was good. It was cracking. I think this is the only distinctive factor between this Magnum Classic from the other brands. Magnum Classic is coated with real Belgian chocolate. The vanilla ice cream inside tasted like any other vanilla ice cream that I tasted before. Nothing extraordinary about it. And I thought it was too sweet.

What's different about it? Nothing's different about it, maybe the packaging except for the wooden stick that has its name "Magnum" engraved on it, and the chocolate coating has its signature letter 'M' embossed somewhere on it.

What I hated about it? The price! I guess its high price is brought about by the expensive talent fees that Selecta company has to pay the celebrity endorsers to endorse this new product in all media. Grabe ang praise release sa Twitter.

I've tried it once and I can forget all about it now. I can have five pieces of Selecta Ice Cream Stick for that same price. Iba-iba pang flavors.

I'll think about it pa if I'll try the other flavors - the Almond and Chocolate Truffle flavors. Those who've already tried Selecta's Magnum Classic, how did you find it? Share your thoughts.

Ciao! ♥

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