October 22, 2011

Being Thrifty vs Being Cheap

Photo Credit: timegenie.com

Today my horoscope says -- 

Pay attention to the difference between being cheap and being thrifty today. One is a shortsighted and mean-hearted attempt to save money; the other is a wise and fair-minded way to keep from wasting what you've worked so hard for. Your money is yours to spend however you wish, but don't skimp on the wrong things. Being a bad tipper isn't going to get you closer to your savings goal -- but it might get you some poor service the next time you go back to that restaurant. 

I am not a tipper...at all! In the first place, I don't eat in expensive restaurants, shop at high-end stores nor travel where/when tipping is a must. So there. I'm not bound to some poor service any time in the future. ^_^

Tomorrow is Elmer's 28th birthday. I am thinking of what nice and decent gift I could give him. I know he wouldn't mind if I didn't give him anything but I thought, this might be his last birthday that we are all together before it happens again in the coming years. And I will follow what my horoscope says, I will be thrifty and not be cheap on this gift. I'm afraid to get poor service from him any time soon. ^_^

Shopping mode.

Ciao! ♥

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