October 21, 2011

Optimism: Key to Survival

Photo Credit: federatedmedia.net
One of my friends in Facebook posted something like this some time last week -- We always complain about our job. But we should be thankful that we have a job to complain about.


Recently, I have been reading news articles about more and more people everywhere becoming jobless everyday. Joblessness results to a lot of things like homelessness and hunger to name a few. Some jobless citizens in the US get by on government-provided aids like food stubs and stuff. Good for them, they're US citizens. They receive some help from their government to the least. E sa Pinas tayo 'tol! If one is jobless in the Philippines, good luck na lang. He should not depend or even expect too much from the Philippine government. Asa! Help yourself dude. Or maybe you can ask your mom to help you. Or your girlfriend. Or your wife. Or your fafa. Whatever! 'La na naman 'tong post na 'to, nararamdaman ko.

The reality that I'm trying to say - this isn't necessary really because it is true, a fact -  is that these days, it is so hard to look for a decent job, one that fits one's profile and eligibility. I am so happy that I (still) have one right now. Despite all the negativities going on at work, I realized, I still want this. This job has let my family survive for the longest time. So all the nega things around? I just brush them off. Pessimism is the last thing that I need at the moment. 

So whenever I'm feeling bored I just psyche myself out, there's something interesting coming soon...and I blog. :p Whenever I don't feel like coming to work I just think, there's something good happening with me at work. Someone has told me that if I get bored of what I do at work, before resigning, that try to look for a challenge at work, try other positions. If still bored (and unhappy), then that's the time I resign. Optimism sister!

On a kinda different and lighter note, here are the things that make me excited to come to work --

1. Rica's Best Shawarma. I was never a fan of shawarma because I thought it was just so overrated especially every Panagbenga. Rica's Best Shawarma, although it does not have the classic shawarma taste, changed all that. I always look forward to eating one everyday. But I don't eat everyday unlike Gibson. He even joked, "Pumapasok lang ako dahil sa shawarma." ^_^

2. Big Boy Toppings. I was not paying too much attention to it when its booth set up in our pantry. I got curious on how it tasted so I tried. Since then I am a fan. 
3. "Sharing" sessions with Golden and Gibson. About anything under the sun, mostly about everything that's going on under our office building's roof. ^_^ Chika Minute!   

Kayo, what makes you excited to come to work?

Ciao! ♥ 

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