October 15, 2011

Fun Run To An Ultimate Goal

My horoscope said on October 14, 2011--

Gemini (5/21-6/21)

Today you may feel like a track star -- because you are very quickly approaching an important hurdle. And just like an Olympic athlete, you knew this hurdle was coming -- the good news is that you are completely prepared for it (and preparation counts for a lot). Of course, you won't be able to go around this obstacle -- so take a deep breath and make that leap right over it. You are in a good position to win this race.

Wow, big thought - me like an Olympic athlete. But really, it made me apprehend, life is sure like a race track. Once you're on it, you will come to hurdles and you can't turn back. You may knock down one hurdle but that will at least teach how to make it better on the next ones that you are coming to. And I thought, if  you're an Olympic athlete, you certainly have gone through one hell of a training before you're put on that race track, right? Training is important to be prepared and so are good trainers.

Note that. A race track, not a race. Life sure isn't like a race. Or maybe it is, but you do not compete with other racers. You survive it. It's not how soon or fast you get to the finish line. It's how good a job you did to get to it; how you enjoyed the view while on the race track; how you appreciated the faces of the people on the stand cheering for you; how much fun you had while running; how tired you may have felt as you approached the end, yet feeling fulfilled with your achievement.

Aaah. It feels good to be on this race track. So far, I'm doing so good. And my horoscope said "I am in a good position to win this race".

I am blessed. I am inspired. I am gonna win.

Bring it on, life!

Ciao! ♥

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