March 24, 2014

I Love You, Jesus

How are you mga 'teh?
Whenever I say "'teh", I remember our van driver in Puerto Princesa when we went there. Anlaking tao pero tume-teh siya! Haha! But I forgot his name na.
Going back. Nikki and Calli's school required them to attend like a Sunday school one (of course) Sunday before closing of classes. Pre-school students were required to come in "Sunday" clothes. I honestly don't know what's the definition of "Sunday" clothes kasi 'pag Sunday naka-pambahay lang naman ako. #true My family doesn't go to church to hear the mass. I know, I'm such a... But please don't judge me and my family. Haha!
Going back again. Ever since she received this dress she's wearing in the video below from great-grandma Martha, she hasn't worn it until that Sunday. I thought she was overdressed. Who would go to church to hear the mass in a dress like that. Ada pay siling-siling na, Apo! (There are even glitters, my God!) Oha, my translation pa. Ang tanong, tama ba ang pagka-translate. Pero close, something like dutch.
Going back again. She insisted on wearing that dress. Okay, fine. I let her try it because it looked to me like maliit na for her. When she did, sakto na lang. Mabuti na lang she got to wear it pa.
We had a dress-slash-song rehearsal.
Lookie, lookie! ^_^

What d'ya think? You think she has the making of a diva?
Ciao! ♥

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