March 30, 2014

Moving Up, Up, Up!

Hello, hello guys! How are you? Sooobrang iniiit! Andito na 'ko sa Baguio ha. I can imagine kung gaano kainit diyan sa Nueva Ecija, Pangasinan, Pampanga and the rest of the Philippines. Summer is here na talaga, yes?

But before we start with summer activities and all, of course, we have to end the school year muna. This is actually one of the few times in a year na very relaxing. I mean, parents like I am get to have a little more rest compared to when kids still had classes - physically and financially. Haha! I don't have to worry about getting them prepared for school everyday, what their baon for the day's gonna be, etc. You know exactly what I mean mothers, right?

On March 26 and 27, it was Calli and Nikki's Moving Up programs, respectively. Days after Nikki's final exams and before the program, her teacher texted me, asking if I wanted to come over and see how she came up with Nikki's final grades. I think she did that to all parents whose kids were vying for honors. (Yes, Nikki was a Grade 4 bronze medalist. #proudmomma)
I replied. I said it was okay and that I trusted her and that Elmer and I were not very particular about Nikki's class standing anyway. Not like we didn't care about her grades. Hindi ganown. Teacher didn't reply back. Whatever.

Like I already mentioned sa taas, Nikki was a bronze medalist of Grade 4. Sa school nila, there are like three top spots every grade level, and there's like a minimum grade to qualify for each top spot. Parang Outstanding, Excellent and one more, I forgot. So parang Top 3 si Nikki ng Grade 4, pero there were three of them sa Top 3. Ganown!

Aside from that, she was also awarded as the Most Active Listener and Best in Scripture Memorization. Expected ko na 'yan kay Nikki. Consistent 'yan e. #proudmomma

Si Calli 'ka ninyo? Yes, that's right. Top 3 si Nikki. Haha!
Seriously, Calli never made it to any of the top spots. I never pressured her to. I know it's good to put some awareness on kids these days to be a little competitive on every thing, but I thought, this was her first year in school. In June last year, she never knew anything except for a few counting, reciting her name, identifying colors. Now, she knows a whole lot more that most four-year olds already know. I don't have to enumerate all of them here, but I'm proud to say that she now knows how to write her complete name. That's something to be proud of if your kid's name is Camilla-Alexa-Gabrielle-Carrillo-ish long. Yes, I know, it's my doing. I chose that name for her. I can imagine my Muder making talak in the background again. Haha!
Going back. She now can identify/write/draw all the colors, shapes, numbers from 1-20, common animals and their habitat and covering, living and non-living things, matters and their form, primary tastes. She now can also add/subtract numbers below 10, memorize Bible scriptures, read CVC syllables and so much more. Oh 'di ba? From almost nothing at all to all those knowledge. That's why I've always been amazed by pre-school teachers. Or maybe it's the kids these days I should be amazed with. Ibang klase!

But before I forget, Calli was awarded naman the Most Hands Raise-Upper Award. As her teacher described it, that award was for the one who never feared to share her thoughts. Oh yes, that's so Calli. #alamna

As you can tell from this post, I sure am one #proudmomma. ^_^

Alright, I'm done with my end-of-school-year post. Let summer begin!

Ciao! ♥


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