March 16, 2014

For The Nth Time


May blog nga pala ako. Haha!

How are all of you?! I know, I know. I was gone (again) for so long. A lot of things happened here and there...and everywhere. ^_^ I missed a lot, I know.

I don't know now how and where to start (again). Let me try.

I have a couple of things in my Drafts. Like this one that's dated 11/17/2013 --

Half Year

Yay! Trace is 6 months old today!
Where have all those six months gone? They've gone so fast. Whenever I do some organizing of his clothes in the cabinet, I'd always find at least a piece that doesn't fit him anymore. Some of them, never niyang nasuot even once. No worries kasi most of his clothes, or shall I say all of his clothes, are hand-me-downs from Elmer's nephew Haeven and my cousins Rhys and Rahl. Some others were Nikki's and Calli's pa. I don't think may binili ako or si Elmer na damit for Trace. So hindi nakakasama ng loob na hindi niya nasuot 'yung mga iba.

Trace is turning 10 months on March 17. And he looks nothing different from the photos above. He just has more hair, is much taller, much stronger and is still gwapo. ^_^
I will post a photo of him on my next post. Pwamis!
I always ask this when I look at my kids, "Where have the times gone?" Ambilis kasi!

Do you guys watch the series The Walking Dead? I am an addict, and I am proud. ^_^

I asked because I also found a would-have-been post sitting in my Drafts dated 11/19/2013 about it --

The Walking Dead Season 4

When my notebook got broken late last year, I never bothered getting it fixed until I was about to give birth in May. I could use it while I was in maternity leave. I thought I would still have that much time to spend on the computer like when I was still pregnant. I thought wrong. May baby na nga pala. I have to say babies are the most demanding bosses. My ged!
Ang result, the notebook sat on one corner and gathered dust until last month. I thought of a good use for it. Because I didn't, and still don't, have internet connection at home, the best use for it is for watching movies or videos. I wanted to start watching a TV series again. As far as I can remember, there are only two TV series that I religiously watched from the their first seasons up to their last  - Prison Break and Desperate Housewives. I also watched Grey's Anatomy, got bored at Season 5. I also started with Modern Family, stopped at Season 3.

I heard about The Walking

Ayan, hanggang mahabang intro na lang ako. Hindi ko na natuloy at nai-post. Season 4 is three episodes away to its end. I will definitely miss this. I'll have to start a new series while waiting for Season 5. Any suggestions?

Then I have one more in my Drafts titled Trace's First Solid Food. It only has this photo collage Trace and his first solid food I prepared for him. Effort ako mga 'teh but I didn't get the chance to post it naman. :(

That's it. Nothing after 11/19/2013.

I have been very busy, promise. Since my team has been assigned with a new task, wala na. That's when the (again) hiatus started. But couple of days ago, I saw the light. So I followed it. Haha!

I'm hoping (again) to stick around for long(er) this time. ^_^
I want to end this post with this quote I got from Kim Chiu and Xian Lim's movie. I enjoyed the movie, btw.

Forever is giving the person you love unlimited chances to love you right everyday. - Lala, (Bride for Rent)
Anong konek 'ka nyo? Forever. I want to be present na here sa blog ko from now on (again) 'til forever. Haha! #ipushyangforevernayan

Ciao! ♥

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