August 07, 2014

To English or Not To English

I work in a call center. I have been around for about 10 years now. Oh yeah! Whoever says no one that works in a call center speaks in the vernacular while at work either 1. Has not worked in a call center ever, or 2. Is lying.

Strict EOP? Uh-uh, not so strict at all. Even managers don't strictly follow kaya. I'm telling the truth. So, sue me. That's At Work. Nabanggit ko lang naman. Plus, I'm really that not good with intros. Haha!

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At Home. Elmer and I bring up our kids using Filipino language as their main language. I know, super cute pakinggan ang li'l Filipino toddlers na umi-English. I don't have anything against parents who prefer their kids to use the English language as their main language. And there's nothing wrong with that. Different strokes for different folks ika nga. For Elmer and me, hindi namin kayang panindigan, especially Elmer, na umi-straight English sa harap ng mga bata all the freakin' time. Also, we're 100% sure na hindi lahat ng tao na makaka-interact nila at bagay na mae-encounter nila as they grow up ay umi-English all the time, like jeepney drivers, yaya, sari-sari store owner, Pinoy teleseryes, Pinoy TV shows etc. Elmer and I love Pinoy movies kaya especially the old ones from the 90's. We're 80's babies, 90's kids kasi, that's why. Anlakas maka-nostalgia ng mga ganung movies.Mas grabe si Elmer kasi aliw na aliw din siya sa mga movies na almost black and white na at parang umuulan palagi sa screen. You know what I'm saying. Ako, 'di ko na bet 'yung mga ganun.

Going back. 

We just don't want any confusion sa words, grammar, diction and all. After all, my siblings and I, as well as Elmer and Ate Pla, grew up na Filipino naman ang gamit namin sa bahay but we learned English just totally fine. Practice and loads of American movies, TV series and TV shows make perfect, I guess.

At School. Nikki and Calli's school promotes the learning of communication through English language by speaking only English language every Wednesday. Everyone (and the school head means EVERYONE from the guard, canteen staff, nannies, parents, everyone) inside the school campus, has to use the English language when talking to anyone. When the memo got out,

Me: Hindi ko na kayo ihahatid sa loob ng school every Wednesday ha. Sa gate na lang.

Nikki: Si Mommy, takot mag-English sa loob ng school.

Me: Baka duguin ako e.

Nikki: Para namang hindi kayo English sa work, Mommy.

Me: Nakakasawa na nga sa work, pati ba naman sa school niyo?

Of course, I was just messing with Nikki.

Calli had mixed emotions when that memo got out - excited na natatakot. So the very Tuesday that week,

Calli: Mommy, practice tayo English?

Me: Sure! Paano 'pag tinanong ka ng classmate mo kung ano ang baon mo? Ano sasabihin mo?

Calli: My snack is bread!

Me: Ano? Anong Ci-ru?

Then I realized, it was Ci-ru, slang for C2, the bottled tea drink! Haha!

And then there was this time when Calli's classmate, Stephanie, celebrated her birthday in the classroom. It was announced the day before. 'Wag na daw magbaon ang mga kids kasi magdadala ng food ang mommy ni Stephanie. Wow, nakatipid ako! ^_^

You know how little girls, and some boys, are so addicted to loom bands these days, right? 'Di papahuli sina Nikki and Calli diyan. I told Calli to make one for Stephanie and give it to her as a gift. And she did. 

There was a problem - English-speaking si Stephanie. Paano daw niya ibibigay ang gift kay Stephanie?

Me: Sabihin mo, "Stephanie, I made this for you. Happy birthday!". Tapos, iabot mo na sa kanya. Ganun.

Calli: "Stephanie, I made this for you. Happy birthday!"

After that day, when Calli got home, awa ng Diyos, nasa kanya pa rin ang loom band. Alam niyo na 'yan, naubusan ng English ang anak ko. Haaays!

Si Nikki, she can converse na in English. Grade 5 na siya eh. She learned everything lang the way I learned it. So hindi ako worried kay Calli. She can understand English just fine. She can barely speak pa nga lang the language at this time. But I'm not worried.

So there. Not To English kami dito sa bahay. Buwan ng Wika kasi kaya naisip ko ang topic na 'to.

Maligayang Buwan ng Wika, aking mga mambabasa! 


Ciao! ♥

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