August 23, 2016

WAHM Life Rocks

Hello guys, girls, beks and all! How are you? How was your weekend? Ambilis ng araw 'no? It's Tuesday again, then tomorrow is Wednesday. Mid-week na naman. Grabe na 'to! Well, ganun daw yata talaga 'di ba 'pag busy tayo, time runs so fast. 

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The Kwento. Speaking of busy. I'm so happy to share with you na I started training na for a new work-at-home job yesterday. Well, I've been doing freelance jobs naman na ever since I quit my office job in July last year. Have you heard of Upwork? It used to be Odesk, and now Upwork na siya. That's where I've been looking for "rakets" since last year. I had the chance to work with a few clients. I did a little bit of VA (virtual assistant) jobs, cold calling, data entry, lead generation, web research tsaka mga iba. All of my clients, except for one, were very easy to work with, very mabait, very considerate. As in! Unfortunately, there was a time in, I think, May when I had a terribly serious problem with my internet connection. As in wala akong broadband dito sa bahay for 2 months. Nahiya naman ako sa mga clients ko kaya I had no choice but to make paalam to them. I had like 5-6 contracts in Upwork back then. Some of them have not ended my contract with them until now. They just paused it. Baka hoping pa sila na mag-work pa ulit ako for them. Hihi!

I became a firm believer that whatever's happening to me right now is supposed to be happening. (My family jokes every time something unfortunate happens to someone, even as simple as nadapa or natisod, na nakasulat sa book of fate ang unfortunate incident na 'yun, that it was destined to happen to that person that way on that day at that time. We would say, "Ganun talaga! Nakasulat 'yan!") And whatever is meant to be mine will be mine at the right time. Timing lang. Timing is everything eka nga.

So saan na nga ba patungo ang kwento ko na'to? Haha! Okay, speaking of timing. A little back story.

I had an officemate-slash-close friend in Baguio, Apol, who did not come back to work anymore when she gave birth to her second child, Sky, in March 2014. Nag-resign na siya. While she was in maternity leave, she was already looking for an online job pala. Then she found, tada,Thumbtack. So long story short, she's been with Thumbtack since 2014. So when I resigned in July last year, I started looking for an online job din. Nagpa-refer ako sa kanya sa Thumbtack and she did. Unfortunately, Thumbtack paused with the hiring of writers when I was already waiting for an interview schedule. I tried to get in as a Chat Support, went through the initial online assessments but I didn't get in. Okay fine. That's when I started looking for other jobs sa Upwork. Then I found nga all those jobs I did for the past several months before my internet connection "died" in May. 

Nung nakabitan ulit ako ng internet nung July, hesitant na akong bumalik sa mga dati kong clients. Tsaka parang ayoko na sila (not the clients ha, just most of the jobs) kasi nga most of the jobs I did before require phone calls. Naumay na ako sa kakakausap sa mga 'kano. So I asked Apol again kung hiring ba ulit ang Thumbtack ng mga writers. Oo daw! Ayy, ang saya! Ni-refer niya ulit ako then I passed the initial online assessment then I passed the online interview kaya I started the training na yesterday. I am now officially working at Thumbtack as a Writing and Research Associate. Ang saya 'no? Hindi man natuloy ang pagpasok ko sa Thumbtack last year, I think it was not my time yet to be part of Thumbtack before. Nakasulat kasi na August 2016 pala ako maha-hire sa Thumbtack. Haha!

What I'm so excited about this job. Mostly, I'll be writing snippets and be doing some other skills-related jobs when needed. Although this is a fixed-rate job, my earnings will depend on my efficiency. So I'm hoping for the best. And I need to plan my day for one week every week. I'm good at planning. Magaling ako diyan! Sa execution ako mahina. Haha!

And like before, I don't have to leave the house to get to work. No more commuting, no more dressing up for work so that means tipid sa pamasahe, walang kabasa-basa sa ulan or bagyo at less clothes shopping. I can work at anytime of the day in any part of the house in my pambahay clothes. These I couldn't do before because most of the time I was on the phone talking to people, but now I can eat anytime or be infront of the TV or look after Trace while working. I can literally be with my family 24/7 if I want to. Ang saya saya talaga! WAHM life rocks!!!

This is my workstation. I'd just like to show you. :)

By the way, I love my lock screen images from Bing. Even before sa old Lumia phone ko. Ang gaganda eh! 

So that's it, pancit! Gotta work, work, work, write, write, write after this week's training. 'Lam niyo naman, tatlo ang anak ko. :)

Thanks for reading. Stay awesome! :)

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